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How to prevent radiation from laptop screen

       Radiation is a stressful word. Although it is one of the most common phenomena in the natural world, talking about radiation people does not consciously think of negative information such as damage to the body, accelerated aging, and cancer. Therefore, when we purchase electronic products with display screens, some businesses will use “zero-radiation” slogans to attract customers’ purchases. However, science confirms that there will be a little radiant energy coming out of such displays, and the long-term exposure will accelerate. Skin aging, come today to talk about what are the best ways to prevent or reduce display radiation.

       1. Put a few pots of cactus next to the display, which can effectively absorb radiation. This is the most common method.

       2, Every morning to drink 2-3 cups of green tea, or eat an orange. This is because tea is rich in vitamin A, and it can be quickly converted to vitamin A after being absorbed by the body. Vitamin A can not only synthesize rhodopsin, but also make it easier for the eyes to see things in dark light. Therefore, green tea can not only eliminate the harm of display radiation, but also protect and improve vision. If you are not used to drinking green tea, chrysanthemum tea can also play a role in resisting display radiation and regulating body functions. Spirulina and sea buckthorn oil also have anti-radiation effects.        

       3, Eat some carrots, bean sprouts, tomatoes, lean meat, animal liver and other foods rich in vitamins A, C and protein.

       4, when using the display screen, to adjust the brightness of the screen, in general, the greater the screen brightness, the stronger the electromagnetic radiation, and vice versa. However, it cannot be adjusted too dark, so as not to affect the effect due to too little brightness, and it can cause eye strain.

       5, buy the new display, generally do not use the old screen, the old screen radiation is generally more powerful, at the same distance, the same type of model, is generally 1-2 times the new display.

       6, the display position is very important. Try not to let the back of the screen go toward someone's place, because the strongest radiation is the back of the screen, followed by the left and right sides, the front of the screen is the weakest radiation. To be able to see the word as the standard, at least 50 cm to 75 cm distance, this can reduce the damage of electromagnetic radiation.

       7, pay attention to the use of the environment to ventilate: scientific research confirmed that the display screen can produce a kind of carcinogen called brominated dibenzofuran. Therefore, it is advisable to install a ventilation fan in the room where the display screen is placed. If not, pay special attention to ventilation when surfing the Internet.

Publish on 06/13/2018 by yechao, 200 hits.