Global Professional laptop Parts Seller
What is Gemwon’s satisfaction guarantee?
Your satisfaction is our top priority so all of our products are guaranteed to arrive safely or your money back!
Most items are covered by a 90 day free defective replacement warranty and 150 day repair warranty.
What is Gemwon’s privacy and security policy?
By accessing and using Gemwon, you accept and agree to the terms of services below.  The terms of services may change at any time without advanced notice but any and all changes will only be prospective, never retroactive.
Personal information collected by Gemwon through customer submittal or browser cookies is only used for customer contact, customer identification, order fulfillment, and website personalization. No personal information, including but not limited to, name, address, email, order history, will ever be shared, rented, or sold.
All personal information is stored on encrypted secure computers only accessible by designated personnel for official purposes.
All payment processing is handled directly by PayPal Payments through 128-bit encrypted secure websites.  The customer’s payment information is never given to Gemwon.
Optional personal information submitted for credit card verification is stored on encrypted secure computers only accessible by designated personnel.  This information will only be used in the event of fraud. It will never be rented, shared, or sold.